Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dynamics AX 2009 workflow error

I have faced several problem getting workflow to run in Ax 2009.
Here is check list of what to look when workflow doesn't work like a flow.

- Reinstall .net business connector.
- Check that the IIS website where workflow reside is running
- Check that app pool used by workflow website is running
- Check that app pool used by workflow has identity the same with domain user set as business connector proxy account in ax (Admin > Setup > security > System service account > Business connector proxy).
- Check that there are two bath job : workflow message processing and workflow due date expiration in the basic > inquiry > batch job. If they don't exist or have problem, delete and create again using workflow configuration wizard (Admin > setup ).
- Else ? Please add.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Force delete inventtrans

Below is sample job to force delete inventtrans, which will take care of invent on hand update.
static void DeleteInventTrans(Args _args)
Dialog dlg = new Dialog("Delete inventtrans ?");
DialogField dlgFld;
InventMovement inventMovement;
PurchLine purchLine;
PurchLineRefRecId recId;

dlgFld = dlg.addField(typeid(PurchLineRefRecId));
recId = dlgFld.value();
purchLine = PurchLine::findRecId(recId);

InventMovement = InventMovement::construct(purchLine);


Saturday, August 15, 2009

IE keeps prompt for password for IIS website

I have an IIS website hosting reporting service and I use integrated windows authentication.
The problem was my IE keeps prompt for password while I can log in successfully using firefox.
I am using IIS 6.0, IE 6.0. After googling I got this trick :
Go to Tools > Internet Option > Advance > Untick 'Enable Windows Integrated Authentication'.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dynamics AX 2009 reporting service error

I used to get this error message when opening reporting service from Ax :
Error during processing of ‘AX_CompanyName’ report parameter.
Even this error occured in the AX 2009 VPC that previously works perfectly.

This information from partnersource (requires partnersource login) says that in SQL Server 2005 the execution account should not be used, and in SQL Server 2008 it is set to BC proxy account.

I am using SQL Server 2005, so I clear the execution account in the SSRS configuration (Start > Program > SQL Server 2005 > Configuration tools > Reporting Services configuration. In the execution account part (the bottom one), clear the option 'specify an execution account'.

Hope this helps many people trying to solve the same error message.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Accessing sharepoint windows internal database

Using SSMS in local server, use this service name instead of server\microsoft##SSEE

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Configuring reporting service for Dynamic Ax 2009

I follow the steps in Ax installation guide on how to install reporting service for Ax.
When I came on setting up application pool, I got this error

The identity of application pool 'AxReportServer' is invalid, so the World Wide Web Publishing Service can not create a worker process to serve the application pool. Therefore, the application pool has been disabled.
This is corrected by assigning Ax proxy account to local IIS_WPG user group.

Later I need to assign ax proxy account to ReportServer and ReportServerTempdb database.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Code that must not be put in data source active() method

Recently I got this error when trying to update spec quantity in salesEditLines form.

Cannot edit a record in Sales order - Update table (SalesParmTable).
The values displayed in the form are not current, so an update or deletion cannot be made. To view the current values, on the Command menu, click Restore or press CTRL+F5.

Call stack shows nothing but suddenly system goes to the write() method of the SalesParmTable. It is strange that I didn't change any field but it fires SalesParmTable.write() data source method.

Comparing the modification, I found that my fellow developer put a field assignment code within the method, so the code will always be run repeatedly (not sure how many time per minute, but it is very often). Since system get message that a field has been changed, write method is fired although the stack trace does not show any indication why write() method is fired. Again, it is hard since debugger doesn't tell what previous event causing this write() method.

So then I remove the field assignment code from the datasource active() method and the problem is gone.
The lesson from this is that we must never put an field assignment code within datasource active() method. It should only contains code for changing field behavior such as alowedit, enabled, visible, etc.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sharepoint error after change domain

After we rebuild a new Active Directory, my windows sharepoint service could not start.
It showed this error message :
The file exists. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070050).
I am sure this is due to SID change of new domain. After googling around I found this website that helps me solve the problem.
The point is that userinfo table in Admin_content_xxxx database has to be updated with the new sid. I use getsid tool to reveal my new sid.
However it shows sid in s-n-n format while sharepoint store sid in hex format. So I created a vb program that convert decimal sid string to hexadecimal. The code is copied from this blog.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Property owner is not available for database

Recently I got this error message when tried to see database properties :

Cannot show requested dialog.

Additional information:

Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt)

Property Owner is not available for Database ’[ ]’. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.


This happened after we established a new domain so I suspected that this is caused by orphaned SID since most of the time I created database with Windows credential. After googling I got sure answer that this is database owner problem, exactly due to sid being out of sych.

So based on idea from this blog, I run the following simple sql statement (SQL 2005):

exec sp_msforeachdb 'alter authorization on database::? to sa;'

This will reset database owner of all databases to sa. This statement is safe as the alter authorization statement is not applicable to system databases.

If you want to update a single database only just use this statement:

alter authorization on database::dbname to sa;

For SQL 2000, use this statement :

exec dbname..sp_changedbowner 'sa'

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Search which database has specific column name

select *
from information_schema.columns
where column_name = 'searchcolumn'

Monday, April 13, 2009

Find database given physical file name

I was looking for ways to clean up my server disk space. One of them by shrinking sql server log file. I found a log file that was quite big. Unfortunately, there was no database name that has similar name with the physical file. I would not check physical name of each database one by one by issuing sp_helpdb command as my server hold tens databases. I would rather run script to find exactly what database hold this file.
Here is what I get:
DB_NAME(database_id) database_name,
FROM master.sys.master_files
where physical_name ='physicalfilename'

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

SQL Server Reporting Service database version error

I was learning SQL Server 2005 reporting service, when I got this error during database setup:
Couldn't generate the upgrade script. There is no upgrade script available for this database version.
It seems that the database server that host the report server database is not the same with the reporting services installation.
I checked my database is SQL Server 2005 SP2, but I don't know my Reporting Service version.
Then I searched through Microsoft MSDN and found this page which tells me various ways to check reporting service version.
By checking the log file as suggested, I found that my Reporting Services is SQL Server 2005 SP1.
So now I am going to upgrade my reporting service.